Swimmer Of The Year

The Swimmer of the Year shall hold the Trophy for a period of one year, subject to the Association’s conditions. The swimmer(s) will receive a personal memento recording the award.

The following are the criteria to be used to select the Warwickshire Swimmer of the Year:

  1. The award is to reflect the achievement of an individual competing in any discipline at the highest possible level in open competition that would add distinction and recognition to the name of the nominee, their club and the Association.

  2. The award shall be made to a nominee who was a member of a club affiliated to the Association from the beginning of the year under review and has not represented another county in the same year. Where possible the nominee would be expected, if called upon, to be available for Association representative competition and/or participation in the Association’s Annual Individual Championships. (“Where possible” refers to an international or other athlete whose training or other commitments sometimes prevents them competing for the Association.)

  3. Any Officer, Executive Member, or club shall be eligible to make a nomination. The name, together with the details supporting the nomination, must be forwarded to the Swimming Secretary by 31st December for the swimming year ended 30th September.

  4. The Chairman shall appoint, in early November each year, a panel of not less than three and up to five people to consider any nominations submitted to or made by them using the laid down criteria for the selection. The panel shall include at least one person with expertise in the discipline/disciplines of the nominees. The name of the recommended nominee shall be presented to the Executive, for their approval, at the December meeting.

  5. If in the opinion of the Executive there is no outstanding nominee in a year the award shall not be made for that year.

  6. When, exceptionally, 2 or more nominees have an equally strong claim the Executive may decide to make the award jointly.

  7. Presentation of the award: The presentation of the trophy and a financial award shall be made to the successful nominee at a session of the following Warwickshire Swimming Championships or on a date and at a venue of their choice­.

For further information, and completed applications to:

Email: secretary@warwickshireasa.co.uk

Postal address supplied if required

Opening Date: 30th September each year

Closing date for applications: 31st December each year

Previous Winners: 1963-2005 Swimming

1963 Robert Lord 1964 Robert Lord 1965 Robert Lord
1966 Janice Lawson 1967 Sheena Grant 1968 Sheena Grant
1969 Steven Sawkings 1970 Jackie Thompson 1971 Martin Edwards
1972 Martin Edwards 1973 Martin Edwards 1974 Dean Smith
1975 David Parker 1976 Debbie Rudd 1977 Debbie Rudd
1978 Kim Wilkinson 1979 Gareth Sykes 1980 Maxine Charles
1981 Gareth Sykes 1982 Paul Easter 1983 Paul Howe
1985 Not presented 1986 Nicola Kennedy 1987 Ruth Knight
1988 Joanna Coull 1989 David Parker 1990 Caroline Piggot
1991 Blayne Huges 1992 Sukie Brownsdon 1993 Marie Hardiman
1994 Marie Hardiman 1995 Adam Ruckwood 1996 Jo Deakin
1997 Adam Ruckwood 1998 Adam Whitehead &
Georgina Lee
1999 Not presented
2000 Georgina Lee 2001 Georgina Lee 2002 Adam Whitehead
2003 Grace Callaghan 2004 Georgina Lee 2005 Not presented

Previous Winners: from 2006, all County aquatic disciplines

2006 Judy Wilson Masters 2007 Elizabeth Smith Synchro
2008 Eleanor Simmonds Para 2009 Not presented ---
2010 Not presented --- 2011 Tully Kearney Para
2012 Yvette Baker Synchro 2013 Paul Bates Masters
2014 Jake Vincent Waterpolo 2015 Tully Kearney Para
2016 Eleanor Simmonds Para 2017 Kathryn Fowler Waterpolo
2018 Daniel Smith Masters 2019 Tully Kearney Para
2020 Not Presented – Pandemic Year --- 2021 Not Presented – Pandemic Year ---
 2022 Lauren Cox  Swim   2023 Amile Perkins  Waterpolo 
 2024 Xander Tovey  Swim 2026